Online Yin Yoga Session (Lower Spine)
This Yin class for the lower spine consists of 10 Yin Yoga poses, to help release tension in the lower spine and help recreate the curve back in the lumbar spine.
Because we sit or stand for long periods in this modern world we live in, and don't move enough, the lower back gets stiff. After sitting for a long time, all the tissues start to shrink wrap around the lumbar vertebrae which creates stiffness and the lumbar curve is no longer visible. In this class we will slowly stress the tissues around the lower back to release some of the shrink wrapping of the tissues, so the natural lumbar curve comes back and movement becomes much easier.
In a recent survey, 50% of men over 50 years of age, had no movement in their lumbar spine whatsoever. The other goal of this class is to help with lower back pain. Having pain in the lower back can be really frustrating for people, and can cause anxiety and depression. By slowly stressing the bones of the lower back, we can keep those bones strong, avoiding lower back pain in the first place.
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